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返回列表 作者:肥仔 发布日期:2024-06-29

结合国情况署对朝韩带领报酬“构建朝鲜半岛持久不变和平机制” 揭示出的决心和毅力暗示赞美和庆祝。朝韩两边在宣言中就和平、医疗、情况和文化等范畴增强合作,紧密亲密来往制订了打算和步调,充实注解两国带领人的果断意志,愿为朝鲜半岛人平易近允诺一个更夸姣、更可延续的将来。结合国情况署对宣言中说起的“为庇护天然生态系统积极展开情况合作”相干许诺暗示强烈热闹接待。我们随时预备以任何可能的体例予以协助,助力朝鲜半岛庇护和改良生态情况,鞭策可延续成长。

We congratulate the leaders of North and South Korea for their determination and commitment to building lasting peace on the Korean peninsula. By outlining steps to cooperate closely on peace, health, environment and culture, they have demonstrated outstanding commitment to building a better and sustainable future fo半岛体育r all people on the Korean peninsula. UN Environment also welcomes the promise to actively promote environmental cooperation to protect the region’s natural ecology. We stand ready to support this important effort to protect the environment and sustainable development in the region.


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